Parents and Guardians, Below is some information and reminders about our annual Dodgeball 4 Gameball Tournment coming up next Friday, January 26 from 6:00-8:00. Volunteers: We need help with admissions, concessions, school store, photography, and referees. Please take a look at this SignUp Genius for more information. Payment : The registration fee is $15 per player and must be made online through REVTRAK (it is listed as an “Optional Fee”). Admission : Parents are students are encourage to attend. Students playing do not have to pay an admission fee. Admission prices are: $3-HS Students and Adults and $2 for K-8 Students and Senior Citizens. Tournament Rules: Teams are guaranteed three games and may be co-ed (boys & girls) Only JH students & staff can play 6 players compete at a time Status students may not participate or attend Thanks! Chris Carter Principal