Registration Email Reminder and PTO link

This was emailed on July 23 at 4:45...

Parents & Guardians,

This is just a reminder that you can now begin the online registration process including paying fees. 

All parents were assessed the Registration fee (which has been combined this year with the technology fee) and an Activity fee.  If your student is NOT playing a fall sport OR in a music class, you don’t have to pay the activity fee right now. But if your student is in a music class or playing a fall sport this year, you will need to pay the activity fee during the registration process. The activity fee is a one-time fee, regardless of the number of activities in which a student participates.     

Below are the same links I included in my email earlier this month.

Sports physicals can be dropped off in the office between 7:30a-3:30p.  The office will be fully “open” starting on July 29.  

This link will take you to the PTO volunteer SignUpGenius.  As we get closer to these events, the chairperson will be in contact with volunteers regarding specifics.    


Chris Carter


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